From Ashes to Art Shows


The first time I did the Beverly Hills Art Show, my show neighbor told me how lucky I was. “1,000 artists apply for this show,” he explained, “and only about 100 get in.” I thought that was nice.  It wasn’t until many shows later that I realized how tough it was. Time after time I wasn’t selected and was put on a waiting list. Fortunately, it was only once that I didn’t come off that list. All other times, a call would come, inviting me to join. As I prepare to do my SEVENTH show with them, I’m grateful because...

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A number of people have asked if the trip to London changed me. While I see changes, it’s more like looking in the mirror to notice something different. The trip is the reflection of this five-year journey, rather than the catalyst for it. That’s not to say that the trip left me unaffected. I’m definitely inspired to expand my subject offerings… but that comes after realizing that the little boy I base all of my art on, is gone now. In his place is this incredible young man, who towers over me and challenges me with his biting sarcasm. The...

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It was a mix of excitement and relief when I clicked the “Order” button for the Photobook I had been working on every day since we returned. I was quickly hit with shock and disappointment when it said, “Please deposit $200!” ::Insert sound of screeching tires:: I almost did it. After all, it captured the moments well, and it was certainly going to last. It’s just at $200 a POP, this wasn’t something I could share with many people (and what if someone actually wants to BUY one????) So, it’s been back to the drawing board for nearly a week....

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Since landing back into our normal lives last week, I've been diligently working on a collection of our memories. It's nearly finished, but I'm too excited to keep it to myself. It's tough to pair down 1,700 photos into a few pages. I tried. There's just too many valuable moments I don't want to disappear. Right now it's over 125 pages, in chronological order. I not only captured our meals, but included the menus from these wonderful restaurants as well. For us, it'll catapult us back to the moment we had to choose... and for everyone else, it'll give you...

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Today was a test. It was only a test... I know not every day can be perfect, and our worst day here is better than many other's best days, but today really pushed us. Should have read the signs! The train here spoiled us, with lots of room and snacks. Today's train was overcrowded and we had to endure standing next to the toilet for an hour and a half. Even semi-sitting on the suitcase didn't help. A woman with two crying twins and a cranky toddler kept apologizing. I just smiled and said, "We've all been there". I envied...

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